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RInfra - Sustainability Report - Our Performance - Financial Performance

Home - Sustainability Report - Our Performance - Financial Performance

The highlights of performance of the Company for the year 2014 - 15 are:

  • Cash Profit of Rs 1,814 crore (US$ 290 million) against Rs 1,858 crore (US$ 310 million) in the previous financial year.
  • Net profit before exceptional items for the year was Rs 1,533 crore (US$ 245 million) as compared to Rs 1,588 crore in the previous year.
  • Cash Earnings per Share for the year of Rs 69 (US$ 1.1) against Rs 71 (US$ 1.2) in the previous financial year
  • Earnings per Share (EPS) of Rs 58 (US$ 1) against Rs 60 (US$ 1) in the previous financial year.


Dividend Payments

The Company has been paying uninterrupted dividend even since its inception in 1929. For the year 2014-15, the Company distributed dividend at the rate of 80% on 26,29,90,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 each, amounting to Rs. Rs.210 crore.

The dividends paid over the previous five years were:

Sr.No. Year Dividend paid per
share of Rs 10
Amount of dividend
(Rs in crore)
1. 2010-11 7.20 191
2 2011-12 7.30 194
3 2012-13 7.40 195
4 2013-14 7.50 197
5 2014-15 8.00 210


Employee Cost

(Rs. in crore)
Sr.No. Particulars Financial Year
Financial year
1 Salaries, Wages, Bonus, Gratuity and allowances 741.61 627.46
2. Contributions to Provident Fund and Superannuation Fund 54.76 50.79
3. Contribution to Gratuity Fund 81.92 50.04
4. Staff Welfare Expenses 97.90 94.82